Medical Hair Restoration Treats Baldness

One of the scourges of middle age is hair loss and balding. Nothing much makes a man look older than a big bald spot on top of his head or a hair line that is 3 or 4 inches above his forehead. When a man starts to lose his hair he can easily look ten or even fifteen years older than his actual age. What does this mean for you? It means if you want to look your best, whether you are entering the dating scene or you are new in the job hunt, you really need to deal with any thinning problems so you can look young and vibrant. Women don't want some washed up bald guy and neither do businesses.
OK, so you have decided to take positive steps to get your hair growing again, now the question is what will those steps be?
First, lets look at the most likely cause of premature hair loss in men. For about 95% of the cases, male hair loss is caused by a hereditary factor called Androgenic Alopecia. This genetic medical condition is passed down through the genes you inherent from your mother and father. It used to be thought that baldness was derived from the mother's side of the family but this is now known to be false. In fact, the genes responsible for hair loss in early or mid life are recessive which means they can skip a generation or two before showing up again. This is why it was assumed baldness could not be passed from the father. Many times a bald man can have sons who never lose their hair just like a man with a full head of hair can have sons with varying degrees of thinning including balding at the crown or a receding hair line and "widow's peak."
When a man expresses the genes for Androgenic Alopecia he is said to have Male Pattern Baldness. This condition is expressed by losing hair in certain patterns or areas on the scalp. A substance called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is responsible for the attack on the hair follicles (hair roots) which cause them to slow down and then stop the normal production of keratin. Keratin is the substance which hair shafts are constructed of.
Once the follicles stop producing, the only effective cure is to use medical hair restoration surgery to remove some follicles from the donor site, located at the back of the head, and implant those hairs into the bald spot. This procedure used to be quite messy and painful but it has now been refined to the point that there is no longer any cutting and sewing of the scalp involved. Instead, a specially designed medical instrument it used to remove the individual hair follicular units and then implant them into the bald spot. Often times this procedure can be accomplished within a one afternoon visit to the hair restoration surgeon.
There is absolutely no reason why you should look fifteen years older than your actual age. Medical hair restoration can help you to get back your youthful appearance again if you are fighting hair thinning and baldness. Recent advances have made medical hair restoration costs much cheaper and easier to afford.

Medical Hair Restoration for Women and Men

Never before in history has appearance meant so much to the self-esteem of an individual. While many men and women can handle their baldness or thinning areas on their scalp, others simply need to find a way to reverse their hair loss through medical hair restoration. Luckily for them, scientific advancements in hair replacement have made great strides since way back in the 1950s and 60s.
Back in the middle of the last century, it was common for most men wanting to have medical hair restoration to rely on their physician performing a hair plug technique. While generally that procedure worked, little was known about which specific hair should be used for replacement as well as exactly how that hair would grow once transplanted. The major downside to hair plugs was that it often looked like hair on the head of a doll instead of something more natural.
In the 1990s follicular transplanting changed the medical hair restoration industry. While follicular transplanting was superior to hair plugs, today's hair replacement industry has made great strides in offering both men and women the latest in cutting-edge technology. The next generation of medical hair restoration includes follicular unit transplantation, the lateral slip technique, also known as Perpendicular Grafting, and Laser Hair Treatment.
Hair strands on the scalps of men and women generally tend to grow in groups of three or four follicles. Follicular unit transplantation mimics this natural growth by using an elliptical incision from an area on the head called the donor site.
After the incision has been made, each follicular unit is then separated from the others and implanted in the specified area on the scalp. The results are very effective, natural looking and tend to have the hair growth in the correct direction.
Many physicians,specializing in medical hair restoration, use what is called a lateral slip technique, as a way to implant these follicular units correctly to the scalp. This advanced technique is considered superior to all the others due to the visual results and growth patterns of the implanted hair.
Grafting hair is considered another optimal method of transplanting a small portion of hair flourishing in one area of the scalp to a more balding or thinning area. The size of the hair graft is generally determined by the specific physician performing the procedure. While this method often produces very positive results, the scarring it leaves is generally more noticeable than when using most any other technique of medical hair restoration.
Many men and women choose to have laser hair treatment because of its much less invasive process of medical hair restoration. A high-quality laser hair treatment tends to cost much less than other quality hair restoration methods, though it often requires repeated treatments.

Medical Hair Restoration - Getting Your Hair Back Permanently

Balding is something that happens to most men and some women. While many men adapt to the fact that they are losing their hair, others seek remedies and treatments to help prevent the hair loss and even to replacement procedures. Medical hair restoration is one method of obtaining a permanent solution to hairloss. This is suitable for both men and women and produces a very natural looking head of hair. Medical hair restoration is also called hair transplants and if this is something that you are considering, you should contact a specialist in the field.
While there are other medical treatments for thinning hair, such as using Rogaine, medical hair restoration really does have proven results. The advanced techniques used in this treatment do not alter the natural hair growth in any way. You don't have to try to cover your head because medical hair restoration treatment is undetectable. This process of restoring hair on the scalp starts with a consultation. The surgeon has to scrutinize the healthy hair remaining on the back and the sides of your head. He/she has to make sure that you do have enough hair left to have a successful hair restoration procedure. For this reason, people who have already lost most of their hair are not good candidates for this sort of hair loss treatment.
In a consultation for medical hair restoration, when the surgeon determines that you are a good candidate, he/she will take a small sample of tissue containing hair follicles. These are dissected under a microscope and made into hair grafts. Then, the hair grafts are placed on the bald section of the scalp at various angles to create a very natural looking hairline restoration.
If you don't want to become completely bald, you should take steps for medical treatments for thinning hair and even medical hair restoration as soon as you notice that a bald spot is developing on your scalp. This doesn't mean that as soon as you notice that your hair is thinning you have to run out and make arrangements for medical hair restoration. Loss of hair when you are brushing and combing is natural and should not be any cause for alarm. If you are taking other medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, hairloss will also occur, but your hair will grow back when you finish the treatment. When you are not taking any medical treatments and you start you lose your pride and joy, then it's time to start looking for ways to stop the thinning process.
Medical hair restoration can be very successful, so consult your physician about it.
For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Male Hair Loss as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Hair Loss Treatments